A Fabulous Hunt with Fabulous Beasts!
Panther Hunt VII
We met this May to Hunt the wild and fanciful beasts in the western
forests of the Shire of Dismal Fogs. This year we had 75 hunters in
attendance including 27 children and two of the five new fogs babes. We were blessed
with clear sunny days and cool crisp nights to enjoy by our warm fire side
and bonfire.
Archery activities included a children’s clout, short clout for adults,
target archery and the beast shoot which took place whilst strolling
through the forests, a kids monster shoot and the 7th annual Dismal Fogs
Children’s boffer tournament, including a melee.
The Grand Feast was undertaken in a German theme to celebrate the efforts our
hunters in the Beast Hunt and toast the fabulous Lords who volunteered to
be beasts (The Kahn, Donwald, Jochem and Rodrigo). We were honoured to
have the Royal Heirs in attendance and deputised by the Crown to present
awards to our members.
The Shire of Dismal Fogs Boffer Champion was Tungge Usun as his skill and
Theatrics stole the show! A best and fairest prize was awarded by
consensus of the mothers present and the Khatoun to Jasmin. The Children’s
A&S token was presented to Hamish for his efforts to learn new skills in
the fibre arts at Rowany Festival AS 52.
Informal A&S activities took place, including an arrow making session on
Friday night and weaving and sewing in the sun on the village green on
Sunday morning.
We hope all the attendees enjoyed this years Hunt. The Shire is enriched
by your presence and friendship and we hope to see you all next year when
the weather cools and its time to hunt again.
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