Monthly Arts and Sciences get-together, 3rd Sundays, Bullaburra
We have monthly get-togethers, on the 3rd Sunday of the month, from 1:30-4:30,
at Bullaburra Progress Association Hall, Noble St, Bullaburra.
You are welcome to bring your projects, and sometimes there are also workshops or presentations planned (past ones include singing, viking kirtle patterning, and calligraphy and illumination).
There is a small cost to cover hall hire.
Sunday 17 July A&S Bullaburra 1:30-4:30pm
Sunday 21 August, A&S Bullaburra 1:30-4:30pm
Sunday 18 September
Sunday 23rd October
Sunday 20th November
*’Arts and Sciences’ is a term used to cover activities in the SCA which are not martial arts.
For more information, email seneschal.dismalfogs(at)